Do Juvenile Offenders Need a Lawyer? Juvenile Offenders / Juvenile Court Attorneys

In Illinois, the law requires that a juvenile offender have a lawyer. If your child is going to court before a juvenile court judge, talk to an attorney with juvenile court experience. The attorneys at Doyen Law Group, LLC can help you. We have 30 years of experience, and are known as top attorneys in Kane County, Illinois.

Put Our Juvenile Court Experience to Work

When a minor child under 17 years of age is charged with a crime, the juvenile court’s objective is to punish the offender, but at the same time rehabilitate the offender into a productive citizen. Attorneys at the Doyen Law Group, LLC have the experience and knowledge to help you understand what options are available to you and your child.

What is in the best interest of the child? The juvenile court and the juvenile’s lawyer should be focused on what is in the best interest of the minor child involved. When a minor child (someone under age 17 years of age is charged), you need a lawyer who knows the juvenile court system, knows the different punishments available, and an attorney that can help you understand what is in the best interest of the minor child involved.

The proceedings and court records are closed for juvenile proceedings. This is done to help protect the minor child’s future. In addition, the court is closed to the public for juvenile court hearings. Therefore, the hearing and any records are sealed from the public. This allows the minor child the opportunity to start adult life without a damaging criminal record. Consult with a lawyers who knows the juvenile court system, and what options are available.

Whether your child was charged with underage drinking, possession of alcohol, possession of drugs, retail theft / shoplifting, truancy, battery, assault, sexual assault juvenile charges are serious. When you work with us, you will have a former Kane County prosecutor on your side. We know how the other side thinks, and we know how to defend you. At our firm, we offer personal service and open communication to help you get the best result possible.

At the Doyen Law Group, LLC, we work tirelessly to help juvenile offenders that are now facing juvenile court. Please contact us today to discuss your case with a free consultation and case review.