Elgin Family Law Mediation – Kane County, Illinois

People navigating family law issues usually want to reach a resolution as amicably and efficiently as possible.  Family Law Mediation can help facilitate the process.  The role of the Mediator is not to give parties legal advice, but to assist couples in coming to an agreement that is best for themselves and for their families.

Mediation can take many different forms, but typically, each party will have an individual meeting with the Mediator during which he or she can express his or her wishes and desires without having to worry about the reactions of the other party.  Once the parties have had their individual session, both parties will meet with the Mediator for at least one joint session.  In the state of Illinois, court ordered mediation can generally only address issues relating to parenting rights and responsibilities.  In private Mediation, however, couples can address any issue relating to their divorce or other family law dispute, including financial issues.

There are several reasons that people often prefer the Mediation process to traditional litigation in court.  Most importantly, any resolution that results from the Mediation is the parties’ own and is not dictated by a judge or lawyers.  For that reason, participants in Mediation may find that they are more invested in making sure that the agreement works for everyone involved.  Mediation is also often a much more affordable solution than litigation.

To find out if Family Law Mediation is right for you and your family, please contact us at (847) 720-5815 for a free initial telephone consultation.